Minecraft Real World Map Download


When you first boot up Ubuntu on Windows, it will ask you to choose a username and password. Don't worry if it looks like the password is not typing anything, it is, it just doesn't show it.


GeoBoxers Minecraft maps of the real world are created from all kinds of GIS, geospatial and architectural data. Let us handle the data, so that you can focus on game play, content and user engagement. GeoBoxers Minecraft maps can be used directly on your local computer or online in a larger community.

You should then see some green writing which looks like 'username@DESKTOP-numbers'. This is where you will type the commands for the computer.

Minecraft Real World Map Download Pc

Two basic commands that are good to learn are 'ls' and 'cd'. If you type 'ls', it will show you all the files that are saved in the directory you are in (Documents, Pictures etc.). 'cd' will change directory and let you move around through the computer.

Definitely have a play with this if you are not familiar (the rest of your computer is accessible via 'cd /mnt/c/'), but for now we will just cover what you need to get this software running.

Type 'cd /mnt/c/FILEPATH', where FILEPATH is where you stored your unzipped files from Github.

Minecraft Earth Map

For example, my files were stored in: /mnt/c/Users/Beth/Documents/Tools/geocraft-master/geocraft-master/

As you can see in the image above, typing 'ls' shows me the files in this folder.