Why Do My Fingertips Crack


Categories: Chapped Hands

Why do my fingers crack when i bend them

In dry winter weather, it's not surprising to get a cracked finger tip. For those of you who have experienced this, it's pretty painful. Thankfully, they're also easy to treat. This kind of cracking can also happen on other areas of the hands, like the knuckles. And when your fingers hurt, doing even the simplest of daily tasks can feel just impossible. Luckily, there are ways you can prevent and heal dry, cracked hands and keep your fingers soft, nimble, and pain-free all winter.

In other languages:

Why Do My Fingertips Crack

Italiano: Curare le Mani Screpolate, Español: curar piel agrietada en tus dedos, Deutsch: Rissige Haut am Finger behandeln, Português: Curar Rachaduras na Pele dos Dedos, Русский: вылечить потрескавшуюся кожу на пальцах, 中文: 治疗手指上干裂的皮肤, Bahasa Indonesia: Menyembuhkan Kulit Pecah Pecah di Jari, Nederlands: Kloofjes op je vingers behandelen, Français: soigner les gerçures aux doigts, Čeština: Jak se zbavit popraskané kůže na prstech, ไทย: ดูแลนิ้วแห้งแตก, 한국어: 손가락 피부가 갈라졌을 때 치료법, Tiếng Việt: Chữa nứt da ngón tay, العربية: علاج الجلد المتشقق على الأصابع, 日本語: 指先のひび割れを手当てする

Why Do My Fingertips Crack And Peel

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